The Pink Guillotine worked her way up from a peasant family all the way to one of the top positions of what she thought was a successful and progressive company. It became evident, however, that her colleagues were just as greedy and calculating as the very people they were supposed to be working against. Viewing her as a threat, they attempted to violently remove her from her role, leaving her for dead and murdering any of her allies that would not convert to their side.
Little did they know, not only did she survive but she swore revenge. In a blind rage, she sought out help from underground black markets, transforming herself into a warrior whose left arm can become any metallic object she desires. Her preferred weapon is that which is best suited for decapitating corrupt executives without remorse.
The Pink Guillotine became renowned throughout the galaxy as an expert in close-combat, and feared for her ruthless lack of mercy and utter disdain for wealth. For years, the betrayal she underwent led her to vow a life of solitude. But beneath her seemingly unapproachable exterior lies a heart that beats with a passion for justice and a burning desire to make the universe a better place for all.
This humanoid has dedicated her life to freeing planets from the grip of oppressive regimes, fueled by the painful memories of her own suffering under such a system. It was during one of her most dangerous missions that she crossed paths with Starfly and despite her initial resistance, allowed herself to love once more. The two worked together to liberate who they could from Phair-E, and have been inseparable ever since. Her love for the cause and the people she fights for is what gives her the strength to persevere.